Issue details

Reducing inequalities and supporting communities post covid

Use of non-recurrent public heath monies to help re-shape and improve resilience in the Sheffield Public Health Service, contribute to the successful delivery of the SCC One Year Plan and continue to target the ambitions in the Health & Wellbeing Strategy


1.    Contribution to the Compassionate City partnership to strengthen and link assets already present in communities across Sheffield to allow the physical, social, psychological and spiritual needs of all affected to be met in the most appropriate way.

2.    Test out the PHE strengthening communities framework in a neighbourhood to develop voice and activation

3.    Trial lifestyle support and advice in the pre-anaesthetic pathway as part of pre-operative checks

4.    Developing peer support between people with specific conditions

5.    Workforce development for voluntary sector organisations


It has been long understood that health and wellbeing is determined by the circumstances in which people are born, grow, live, work and age as well as medical support.  Therefore education, employment, housing, social networks are as important to the life chances and living with long term good health and wellbeing.


Marked inequalities in health and wellbeing outcomes existed prior to the pandemic, however Covid-19 has exacerbated these by disproportionately impacting on the mental health and wellbeing of young people, ethnic minorities, and those on low incomes


Decision type: Committee

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/02/2022

Scrutiny Committee: Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee;

Department: Public Health and Integrated Commissioning

Contact: Emma Dickinson Email: Tel: 07584 386 707.

Date agenda documents available: 28/02/22

