Issue details

Domestic Abuse Act Safe Accommodation Spending 2022/23

The proposal is to draw down new burdens funding of around £1,325,868 when this is allocated by central government and agree spending of £575,000 on commissioning support for people living in safe accommodation due to domestic abuse in relation to counselling, substance misuse, housing and financial advice and support. The funds will also pay for units of safe accommodation for young women and a survivor liaison role.


Decision type: Committee

Reason Key: Expenditure/savings > £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 10/02/2022

Scrutiny Committee: Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee;

Decision due: 16 Mar 2022 by Co-operative Executive

Lead director: Executive Director, People Services

Department: People Services

Contact: Alison Higgins, Domestic Abuse Strategy Manager Email: Email: Tel: 20 53671.


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