Sheffield City Council received additional grant funding for adult weight management (AWM) services in 2021/22. There will be a further AWM grant in 22/23, the exact allocation for Sheffield is not yet known but is expected to be around £500k. Any subsequent AWM grant funding will be confirmed on an annual basis and there is currently no certainty of funding beyond March 2023.
The 21/22 AWM grant was awarded to the existing weight management provider commissioned by Sheffield City Council under a contract variation. It could not have been anticipated at that time that there would be subsequent AWM grant funding. It is not possible to extend the variation as this would exceed the 50% of contract value threshold allowed under regulation 72 of the Public contract Regulations 2015.
The service model developed with the existing weight management provider included an “extended” offer whereby multiple community organisations were funded to deliver weight management programmes with the support of the lead provider. This approach has been piloted to increase reach into underserved communities and to increase capacity and expertise in the community sector.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure/savings > £500,000;
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/03/2022
Scrutiny Committee: Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee;
Department: Place
Contact: Jessica Wilson Email: Tel: 205 7467.
Date agenda documents available: 24/03/22