Issue details

Contract Procurement - Supply of Office Stationery

To detail the approach to the commissioning and procurement of a contract for the supply of office stationery for the Council.  The procurement is for goods/services that are a commonly recurring requirement of the Council.  The report specifies the contract renewal with a brief description of the contract including the value, the proposed procurement strategy, the method of funding and the date for renewal.  The purpose of the report is to provide sufficient information for the Director of Operational Services to provide authority for the procurement to be undertaken.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/09/2023

Decision due: 22 Sep 2023 by Director of Operational Services

Lead director: Tom Smith

Department: Operational Services

Contact: Jason Peck, Contract Manager Email:

Date agenda documents available: 27 September 2023

