Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Decision seeking approval to update the Adult Education Budget (AEB) commissioning strategy for Family Adult Community Education Service'
- Councillor Paul Turpin - Personal Interest - Councillor Paul Turpin declared a personal interest in Agenda item No. 9 - Decision seeking approval to update the Adult Education Budget (AEB) commissioning strategy for Family Adult Community Education Service, as Trustee of Source Academy which had received a small amount of AEB funding
- Councillor Tom Hunt - Personal Interest - Councillor Tom Hunt declared a personal interest in Agenda item No. 9 - Decision seeking approval to update the Adult Education Budget (AEB) commissioning strategy for Family Adult Community Education Service, as previous Chair of the Trustee Board at Zest which had received a small amount of AEB funding and as a representative of the Council on the Board of Upperthorpe Healthy Living Centre which was a sister board to Zest.