Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Application No. 22/02303/OUT - Land between Hollin Busk Road, Broomfield Grove and Broomfield Lane, Sheffield, S36 2AQ'
- Councillor Mike Chaplin - Personal Interest - Councillor Mike Chaplin declared personal interests in Agenda Item No’s 7b and 7c, Application No’s 22/2302/OUT - Land between Hollin Busk Road, Carr Road and Broomfield Lane Sheffield, S36 2AQ and 22/2303/OUT - Land between Hollin Busk Road, Broomfield Grove and Broomfield Lane Sheffield, S36 2AQ as the local Ward Members were known to him and he was also an elected Member of the Peak District National Park. Councillor Chaplin declared that he had not given an opinion or made up his mind on the application prior to the meeting, and confirmed he had an open mind, therefore would take part in the discussion and voting thereon.