Agenda, decisions and minutes

Finance and Performance Policy Committee - Tuesday 1 August 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: To be held in the Town Hall, Pinstone Street, Sheffield, S1 2HH

Contact: Rachel Appleyard, Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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There were no apologies for absence received.



Exclusion of Press and Public

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It was noted that Appendix 1 to the report at item 8 on the agenda was not available to the public or press because it contained exempt information. If Members wished to discuss the exempt information, the Committee would ask the members of the public and press to kindly leave for that part of the meeting and the webcast would be paused.



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 86 KB

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There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting.



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 90 KB

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The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 10 July 2023 were approved as a correct record.



Public Questions and Petitions pdf icon PDF 74 KB

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Four questions had been submitted by the Friends of Millhouses Park regarding the proposed lease of land at Millhouses Park. No one was able to attend the meeting therefore a written response would be provided.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 236 KB

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The Committee received a report containing the Committee’s Work Programme for consideration and discussion. The aim of the Work Programme was to show all known, substantive agenda items for forthcoming meetings of the Committee, to enable this Committee, other committees, officers, partners and the public to plan their work with and for the Committee.




The Principal Democratic Services Officer agreed to contact the lead officer for the Economic Recovery Fund item to discuss whether a decision could be made sooner.  




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Finance Committee:-


1.     that the Committee’s work programme, as set out in Appendix 1, be agreed including any additions and amendments identified in Part 1; and


2.     that Members give consideration to any further issues to be explored by officers for inclusion in Part 2 of Appendix 1 of the next work programme report, for potential addition to the work programme.



Capital Approvals Month 3 (2023/24) pdf icon PDF 144 KB

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The Finance Manager submitted a report that provided details of proposed changes to the existing Capital Programme as brought forward in Month 03 2023/24.




Officers agreed to provide Members with further information on the need for a feasibility study for SEND provision at Peaks College, the section of Five Weirs Walk due to be resurfaced, the number of properties to be fitted with PV and whether the Housing Service provided regular updates on the roofing programme to the Housing Policy Committee.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Finance Committee:-




(i)         approves the proposed additions and variations to the Capital Programme listed in Appendix 1;

(ii)        approves the proposed additions to the Capital Programme listed in Appendix 2 subject to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board; and

(iii)      approves the making of grant funding to third parties as identified in Appendix 3.




Reasons for Decision




The proposed changes to the Capital programme will improve the services to the people of Sheffield.




To formally record changes to the Capital Programme and gain Member

approval for changes in line with Financial Regulations and to reset the capital programme in line with latest information.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




A number of alternative courses of action are considered as part of the process undertaken by Officers before decisions are recommended to Members. The recommendations made to Members represent what Officers believe to be the best options available to the Council, in line with Council priorities, given the constraints on funding and the use to which funding is put within the Revenue Budget and the Capital Programme.



Lease of Land at Millhouses Park, Sheffield pdf icon PDF 168 KB

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The Head of Property Services and the Head of Parks and Countryside submitted a report seeking approval to grant a new lease over a rectangular area of land at Millhouses Park, Sheffield, adjacent to the Wagon and Horses Public House, on the terms set out in the Appendices to the report.




During consideration of this item of business, and in order for Members of the Committee to ask questions on Appendix 1 of the report, it was RESOLVED: That the public and press be excluded from the meeting and the webcast be paused before further discussion takes place on the grounds that, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, if those persons were present, there would be a disclosure to them of exempt information as described in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.




The meeting was re-opened to the public and press, and the webcast was recommenced, prior to the decision being taken by the Committee.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Finance Committee approves the lease of the subject property to K S Yeardley F C B Ltd Pension Scheme on the terms set out in this report, subject to satisfactory due diligence checks being completed.




Reasons for Decision




Whilst the route to gaining agreement for this offer within the park has been convoluted and at times difficult, overall we believe the park offer to those people that use it is better with this second facility operating.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The Council could choose not to grant a lease to the proposed tenant and they could be required to return the land in its original state (grassed area) to Sheffield City Council. This would result in a reduced offer to the people who visit Millhouses, with less variety of offer and less capacity during busy summer months.



Youth Investment Fund Grants pdf icon PDF 200 KB

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The Head of Community Youth Services and Programme Manager, Communities submitted a report seeking approval for the Council to become the accountable body for multiple grants from the Youth Investment Fund.




Officers agreed to provide Members with further information on the list of sites where bids had been submitted for grant funding from the Youth Investment Fund.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Finance Committee approves the Council becoming accountable body for multiple grants up to a maximum combined value of £7.9 million from the Youth Investment Fund for the refurbishment and/or creation of youth and community facilities across the city in line with the basis set out in this report.




Reasons for Decision




The Youth Investment Fund (YIF) is a £368 Million Government commitment to young people to transform and level up the out-of-school youth sector.




Officers have been working on up to 13 proposals for funding from the Youth Investment Fund with a combined value of up to £7.9 million. It is a requirement of the funding that projects are fully completed by 31st March 2025.


If successful, the funding will provide up to 13 new and refurbished youth facilities that will contribute to the aims of the Youth Strategy (2022-25) of enhancing the provision of universal youth work by investing in youth facilities across the city to make them safe, secure and with the right equipment to meet young Sheffielders’ expectations of modern, contemporary, welcoming spaces.




Having the right facilities in the right places will also contribute to the stated aim of having 3 universal youth provisions in each ward every week.




This decision will ensure that, if successful, the acceptance of the funding can be completed quickly to ensure that the projects can be delivered against the programme.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Alternative option 1 – Do nothing.
A do-nothing option would be for the Council not to accept grant funding from the Social Investment Business Foundation through the Youth Investment Fund. This would result in not gaining the benefits of the funding for young people and communities across the city. Each individual project will benefit young people and their communities by increasing universal youth provision and/or providing facilities across the city that are safe, secure and with the right equipment to meet young Sheffielders’ expectations of modern, contemporary, welcoming spaces.


Alternative option 2 – Wait for the outcome of the application process.
Waiting until after grants are awarded will lead to a delay in progressing the projects and would increase the risk that projects could not be completed before the end of the funding period. Authorising the acceptance of grants prospectively reduces this risk.



Sheffield NHS Health Check Programme pdf icon PDF 174 KB

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The Strategic Director of Public Health and Integrated Commissioning and the Health Improvement Principal submitted a report seeking permission to commission the NHS Health check programme.




The NHS Health Check programme is a Public Health programme in England for people aged 40-74. It is a risk assessment and management programme which aims to prevent or delay the onset of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) including diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease and stroke.




In April 2013, the NHS Health Check became a mandated public health service in England. Local authorities are responsible for making provision to offer an NHS Health Check to eligible individuals aged 40-74 once every five years.




Previously, Sheffield City Council had commissioned Primary Care Sheffield to be the provider of the programme. The contract with Primary Care Sheffield ended in April 2021 and due to pressures from the pandemic, the Council had not been in a position to be able to recommission until now.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Finance Committee approves the commissioning of an external provider to deliver the NHS health check programme for a period of 5 years and an estimated value of £925,000, as set out in this report.




Reasons for Decision




The NHS Health check is a mandated service and to not recommission would result in a breach of the mandate with possible sanctions against Sheffield City Council.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Do not recommission the programme – this would leave us in breach of the DHSC mandate.